A precedent is a project done in the real world that can be used to help explain some of the ideas that will be covered in the studio or project. 

In this activity, you will explore a variety of precedents that relate to this studio. This stage of the design process helps expose you to many approaches to solving the same or a related problem. Let these precedents inspire new ideas in you! 


Step 1:

With your partner, pick one of the precedents located in the Resources tab above. 

Step 2: 

Using the Internet, find out more details about the precedent you chose. Then create two sketches:

  • Sketch: one detail or feature that you find particularly interesting
  • Modified Sketch: If you could improve this detail, what would you do?

Add some labels with notes about the project you'd like to share with others

Step 3:  

Quickly share with the class what you learned about your precedent