NICE Workshop Google Form

Paula Garza Gonzalez

Photos NICE Google Folder

Paula Garza Gonzalez

Final Presentation

Joselyn McDonald

Presentations are the story of your project - from early sketches and inspiration, through prototypes and more developed ideas, presentations highlight the pieces of the process that led each student to their latest project.

Presentations should be around 3-4 minutes. 


Using the provided presentation template, create a slide deck that captures the depth of your work. Be sure that your project statement and project description would explain your project to someone who knows nothing about your topic or process.

  1. Slide 1: Final Photograph with Project title
  2. Slide 2: Project Statement (1-2 sentence project statement that explains the overall idea of your project). Remember that a thesis statement includes answers to WHAT, HOW, and WHY.
  3. Slide 3: Low-Fidelity Prototype Images
  4. Slides 4: High-Fidelity Prototype Images (Final Pictures) 
  5. Slides 5: Thank You (feel free to thank particular people who helped you during your design process)