Food Exchange Brainstorming session

Food Exchange Brainstorming session

Kate James


Now that you understand the studio prompt, looked at some exciting precedents, it's time to generate project ideas! To do this, we'll engage in an activity called brainstorming.

Let's Brainstorm!

Step 1: Individual Brainstorming
Take 3-4 minutes and list as many project ideas as you can come up with. 

Step 2: Sketching
Take 3-4 minutes and make quick sketches of your favorite 3 ideas. This will help flesh these ideas out and will be a tool for communicating your ideas to your partner and your studio mates. 

Step 3: Partner Brainstorm

Take 5 minutes to rapidly share your favorite ideas with your partner. Listen for similarities and opportunities for combining ideas. You don't need to pick a project idea right this moment, just make sure to share your ideas and why they're meaningful to you. 

Step 4: Group Brainstorm
Now that you have some ideas in mind, we will come together as a studio group to share them. Your coach will record ideas on the whiteboard, and we will look for connections, themes, and site overlaps - together.

Step 5: Idea Selection
With your project partner, select a few ideas that interest you both. Any ideas (or combinations) listed on the board are open for you to explore.