Low to High Fidelity

Ben Johnson

Low-to-High Fidelity Prototyping

You have made so much progress in such a short amount of time! Bravo! 

You will have just received some helpful feedback from teachers and peers in the mid-review. This will help you formulate a plan for making a more refined, larger-scale model of your project idea. 

Step 1: Reflect on your Feedback

Take a moment with your partner to review the notes you took during the feedback session. Consider what elements of feedback were particularly insightful. How might this impact your design decisions moving forward? 

Write down 2 pieces of feedback that were particularly helpful to you. 

Step 2: High-Fidelity Sketching

In this activity, you'll create a larger-scale version of your selected project idea. Sketch out the details of your project idea on paper. Then, ask your teacher to review your work and give you feedback on the next steps. 

Step 3: Start Building!

Start building your scale model prototype. Have fun, and be mindful of the resources you're using. High-fidelity prototypes are cleaner and more time-intensive than low-fidelity prototypes. Take care to assemble them intentionally.